Common Port Numbers and Names

Programs are free to use any port(s) they like, but there are many services that usually use a particular port number. The most common of these are listed here ...

 7     Echo
                 Echo servers relay all data received back to their source
17     Quote Of The Day
                 Random quote of the day
19     Character Generator
                 'CharGen' servers transmit streams of data as soon as a client connects
20     File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - file transfer
                 This port is used by FTP to transfer files
21     File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - control
                 This port is used by FTP to allow the client and server to communicate
23     Telnet
                 Telnet is a simple console-style communications protocol
25     Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
                 SMTP is the most popular mail transfer protocol on the Internet
43     Whois
                 Whois servers contain information about IP and DNS addresses
53     Domain Name Server (DNS)
                 DNS translates IP addresses to more human-readable addresses
80     Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) web server
                 HTTP is the protocol used to transfer data on the World Wide Web (WWW)
109    Post Office Protocol (POP)
                 POP servers allow you to check your email
110    Post Office Protocol (POP3)
                 The most popular version of POP
113    Ident
                 Identification protocol, returns info such as system type and username.
119    Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
                 The protocol used by newsgroups
135    Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
                 Usually the RPC Locator Service, a registrar for all other RPC services
137    NETBIOS Name Service
                 Used for local area network address resolution
138    NETBIOS Datagram Service
                 Used for local area network UDP  transfers
139    NETBIOS Session Service
                 Used for local area network TCP transfers
443    Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
                 Securely encrypted HTTP web transfer
1080   SOCKS Proxy
                 A common proxy server
1433   Microsoft SQL Server
                 Microsoft Structured Query Language server
6667   Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
                 Internet Relay Chat is a popular text-based chat medium
8080   Proxy
                 Commonly used as a proxy for web servers
Red - This port/service is usually only found on Unix/Linux systems.
Blue - This port/service is usually only found on Microsoft Windows systems.
Black - This port/service can be found on multiple operating systems.

Other port numbers

To find out what services use any port number (and vice versa), simply use the Port Explorer Lookup utility.

Other notes

There are 65,535 TCP ports and 65,535 UDP ports. 
Most servers allow the admin to choose which port the server will listen on, so for example if you find a server with port 80 open, it doesn't necessarily mean there is a web server at that port..
ICMP doesn't use ports, it works at the same level as Internet Protocol (IP), as seen in this diagram:

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